Proposals for development / redevelopment / repairs etc. in respect of buildings having heritage value appearing in the list finalized by the Heritage Conservation Committee.

Clause 2.3.3, 7.26 & Annexure-II of the Unified Building Byelaws, 2016 stipulates as follows: -

Provision for Conservation of Heritage Sites including Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts and Natural Feature Areas shall be as per Annexure–II.

Submission of Drawings and Documents/Materials

Proposals for consideration by the Heritage Conservation Committee shall be accompanied by drawings and documents/materials as indicated below: -

Grade-I Buildings 

  1. All necessary building plans including individual floor plans, elevation, sections etc. (in duplicate)
  2. The necessary proforma of planning permission duly completed and signed by the competent authority.
  3. Photographs (aerial wherever possible) showing existing physical characteristics of the area proposed to be developed / redeveloped Minimum size 8" x 10". The location of points from where the photographs have been taken should be indicated on site / location plan.
  4. Report explaining the concept and significance of building, whether the building is proposed for re-use and special features that influenced the design which may also include, description of site and controls, regulations applicable including land-use, height restrictions, envelop controls and parking schedule of accommodations and parking provided, percentage of coverage and FAR achieved etc.
  5. Typical presentation clearly showing external finishing materials and architectural expressions/elements with colour scheme, detailed specification for all base materials to be used in restoration, reconstruction and additions must accompany the drawings.
  6. Technical reports covering various aspects.

Grade-II & III Buildings 

Besides aforesaid requirement, the following additional materials/documents shall be required to be submitted.

  1. Site Plan, layout plan, parking plan of development/redevelopment of the area at an appropriate scale (in duplicate) clearly indicating the existing area, all repairs and additions. The changes must be shown in red colour including any alternation proposed in the landscape.
  2. Three-dimensional model on presentation showing land-scaping, existing monuments/ruins, if any, and general traffic system also showing development/structures in the vicinity/surroundings with their height and distances from the proposed site at an appropriate scale.
  3. Location plans/site plan indicating important roads or landmarks so as to clearly identify the site.

  4. Landscape plans of the project - Building drawings of proposals should be accompanied by landscape plans, identifying clearly the soft areas and hard areas for parking, play areas for children in different age groups, sites for planting trees and the particular tree species, the street furniture and external light fittings, surface drainage system and the design of the boundary walls along with location of gates and their design. Landscape plans must provide the original landscape with details of original species and materials.

    The project drawings at sub para (a) & (g) and necessary proforma at sub para (b) are to be submitted to the Committee by the local bodies. The rest of materials may be submitted to the Committee direct by the architect/promoter within seven days from the day, plans etc. are submitted to the Committee by the local bodies.

    The Member-Secretary in consultation with the Chairman may call for additional material/documents for facilitating consideration of the proposal or exempt promoter/architect from submission of any of the aforesaid material/document on a request from the promoter/architect.